Instant invoice finance to boost your business
Submit an Invoice
First, your company details...
Company Name
Use the Companies House autocomplete, or enter manually.
Company Number / UTR Number
Company Type
Limited Company
Limited Partnership (LLP)
Non-Limited Partnership
Sole Trader
VAT Registered?
VAT Number
Next, a little bit about you ...
First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
Email Address
Phone No.
If you need any help with your application, feel free to contact our friendly team on
020 8017 2362
I consent to Penny Limited using my personal information in the ways described in this
Privacy Policy
, the
Terms of Website Use
, and the
Terms of Service
I authorise Penny Limited to perform credit reference agency (CRA) searches on the business, directors, any individuals supplied as part of the application, and their financial associates.
A record of this search will be recorded against all applicants and may be seen by other companies if they carry out a credit enquiry. Before submitting this application, please confirm that you have obtained the consent of all individuals concerned and provided them a copy of our Privacy Policy. For more information on how we and the CRAs use your information, please refer to our Privacy Policy. By submitting this application, you confirm that you have obtained the consent of all individuals associated with it (directors, personal guarantors and shareholders etc). The personal information we have collected from you will be shared with fraud prevention agencies. This is to prevent fraud and money laundering and to verify the identity of all individuals supplied and associated with this application. If fraud is detected, you and these individuals could be refused certain services, finance and employment.